
Author: chiara

Matteo Perin / Articles posted by chiara

L’abito lungo in micro paillettes di Sofia Milos

Scintillanti, luminose, sempre di tendenza, oltre il tempo e le stagioni, le paillettes, che per lungo tempo sono state relegate solo alle festività dicembrine, adesso sono protagoniste assolute tutto l’anno. E Sofia Milos ha sposato in toto il trend sfoggiando a Los Angeles, sul red carpet dell’edizione 2019 degli Emmy Awards, una creazione spettacolare dal discreto ed elegantissimo effetto shining....


The Rake – Dressing Gotti, how John Travolta became…

In June 15, 2002, Gambino crime boss John Gotti was, to quote Tessio in the first Godfather movie, finally “sleeping with the fishes.” The man, who earned the nickname The Dapper Don, was laid to rest in St. John’s Cemetery, Queens, New York, wearing a double-breasted, black pinstripe suit. In death as in life, Gotti was immaculately turned out, continuing a long tradition of mobsters who used sartorial prowess as a means to convey authority, respect, legitimacy, and no small degree of fear. Murderous men like the charismatic...


GQ – We Asked the People vs O.J. Cast If O.J. Did It

On the eve of the 2016 Emmys, GQ corralled the superb cast of FX's (subsequently Emmy award-winning) series The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story in Los Angeles to pose for a spread in our annual Men of the Year issue. Since this distinguished troupe of reenactors is probably as close as we'll ever get to the real trial participants, we took the opportunity to ask them once and for all: Did O.J. do it?...

john-travolta-cannes-matteo-perin – John Travolta a Cannes: super elegante in smoking (italiano)

Cannes celebra John Travolta con il premio alla carriera. Alla star di Hollywood verrà consegnato il Cinema Icon Award durante una serata di gala in cui sarà proiettato l’ultimo film di cui è protagonista, «Gotti», del regista Kevin Connolly. Travolta è «The Dapper Don», il mafioso italoamericano arrivato al vertice della famiglia Gambino e noto per la sua eleganza. Come si vestirà Travolta per quella che si annuncia come una tra le più brillanti giornate della sua carriera? «Con uno smoking di velluto nero che racchiude il...


L’Arena – Matteo, lo stilista veronese che veste John Travolta

Ha lasciato la scuola dopo la terza media, dando libero sfogo alla sua creatività che l’ha portato in giro per tutto il mondo. Tornato in Italia, cercando lavoro gli dicevano che con quel diploma non ne avrebbe trovato. Ora veste John Travolta, non solo nella vita mondana, ma anche sul set cinematografico. È Matteo Perin, 34 anni, di Lugagnano di Sona, stilista che si definisce un «designer della vita delle persone, dal guardaroba allo stile», e ne disegna, appunto, abiti, gioielli, borse, sciarpe, accessori di lusso, rigorosamente adattati alle necessità,... – All Rise, The People vs O.J. Simpson Cast

They say that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. If that's true, then FX has guaranteed we'll never see the likes of the O.J. Simpson trial again. Few shows in recent years have prompted more cultural reflection than the network's 10-episode The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Grime Story, a vivid retelling of the murder trial that mesmerized the country two decades ago. So far, the limited series is cable's most popular new show of 2016; it averaged nearly 13 million viewers a week and was probably...


Hollywood Reporter – Meet the Designer Behind John Travolta’s…

John Travolta’s most memorable style moments may have come circa Grease and Saturday Night Fever, but that doesn’t mean the iconic actor is past his sartorial prime. Just the opposite, in fact. For years now, his red-carpet looks have been primarily custom-made in Italy by emerging luxury designer Matteo Perin, who was born and raised in Verona and began learning suit construction and pattern-making as a teen. The pair work closely together on the actor's one-of-a-kind bespoke suiting and tuxes for premieres, and collaborated on Travolta’s wardrobe for the forthcoming...